
TrimTimes is UKs first online Barber Booking Website!

We are a free web service that allows you gentlemen of our great nation to search for barber appointments wherever you are whenever.

Our mobile ready website makes it simple to find some of the best barbers and hair salons in the country.  You can even rate your experiences helping your local regular barber by encouraging others to use their services.

With TrimTimes you can search thousands of listed professionals, view their profiles and book with confidence that our registered professionals are the very best in the business.

Try it today; what have you got to lose? (Apart from that overgrown barnet of yours of course!) 


Our Vision

Our vision is to reinvigorate the UK male grooming industry by enabling men to gain quick access to the best grooming professionals with a minimal amount of effort.

We are currently working with barber professionals throughout London and soon we will be working with other male grooming service providers so that we can make TrimTimes the one stop online place customers can go to for all of their grooming needs.

TrimTimes will be offering that much needed solution enabling UKs male grooming businesses and its consumers to connect in one place, at a tailor-made level.

Today’s men need a brand that they can recognise as male specific and which they can trust and feel confident using when on the lookout for getting groomed …and this is where TrimTimes fits.